Short summary of the webinar of May 14, 2024 in Green Zones
The Impact of Innovation and Sustainability on Water, Food, and Immigration
About this webinar
An Event by Scientechnix in the Frame of a Net Zero Economy Goal, and the EUSED (European Sustainable Energy Day) of the European Sustainable Energy Week

Short summary of the First Webinar Session
The first Webinar concerning « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future » was held successfully on May 14, 2024, at 2 PM (GMT+2) as planned.
Scientechnix, a company specializing in fundamental and applied R&D and industrial applications, held the first webinar on their « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future » project on May 14, 2024. The webinar was split into two sessions due to the project’s complexity. The first session focused on the technical aspects of the Green Zones, while the second session, scheduled for June 17, will discuss proposals from the first session and consider local specificities.
Key points from the first session:
- 1- Scientechnix’s all-in-one MUDT tool is designed for zero pollution and Net Zero 2050 goals, providing desalinated water, heat, and cold while contributing to food security, sustainability, and reducing immigration.
- 2- Green Zones are subsidized areas (for their installation only), that transform water-stressed regions into sustainable development zones, stimulating agriculture and local economies while improving living conditions. They align with recommendations from the International Energy Agency and the World Bank for achieving Net Zero goals.
- 3- Green Zones are flexible, can be implemented near the sea or underground saltwater sources, and use affordable water, heat, and cold for agricultural transformation industries.
- 4- Eligibility for Green Zones is limited to NGOs or institutional authorities such as municipalities or group of stakeholders, not individuals, and must comply with country regulations and address fundamental human needs.
- 5- Financing is not a major issue due to the availability of funds for Net Zero projects.
- 6- Collaboration with partners local and international companies is a logical part of this project
- 7- The establishment of a Green Zone takes approximately one year once fully accepted, with the possibility of a few additional months for unexpected issues.
- 8- Scientechnix is committed to both non-profit in the frame of Green Zones and to commercial activities in the Net Zero framework for water, heat and cold production.
The second webinar on June 17 will provide further clarifications on legal aspects, water distribution regulations, and simplify the installation process for all stakeholders.
Irrigated green area