Report of the webinar of May 14, 2024 in Green Zones
The Impact of Innovation and Sustainability on Water, Food, and Immigration
About this webinar
An Event by Scientechnix in the Frame of a Net Zero Economy Goal, and the EUSED (European Sustainable Energy Day) of the European Sustainable Energy Week

Report of the First Webinar Session
The first Webinar concerning « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future » was held successfully on May 14, 2024, at 2 PM (GMT+2) as planned.
Due to the complexity of implementing this project and to avoid wasting time for the participants, we have decided to split the Webinar into 2 sessions:
- The first session, which took place on May 14, at 2 PM (GMT+2), was related to the technical discussion concerning the structures of these Green Zones. It was attended by some of the registered participants who were interested in this session.
- The second session will take place on June 17, at 2 PM, Paris time (GMT+2). It will be devoted to the examination and discussion of the proposals from the first session, considering local specificities. it will also give the complementary clarifications for all the stakeholders to facilitate the acquisition of a Green Zone.
First session: It was an opportunity for the participants to inquire about many aspects of these Green Zones.
About Scientechnix
Scientechnix is a company with two main activities: fundamental and applied R&D on the one hand, and industrial applications on the other hand. Our references and publications are available on our website: and
It has collaborated with leading researchers worldwide in the domain of nuclear technology. In 2013, Scientechnix launched its R&D project for sea water desalination. Today, all the activities of Scientechnix are in the frame of Zero pollution, also called Clean Tech, as required by Net Zero 2050.
About MUDT
Our all-in-one MUDT tool achieves many parallel tasks in the frame of tomorrow’s technologies:
- It is an anti-drought tool
- It is a desalinated water provider
- A negative carbon instrument
- A global food security contributor
- A sustainability insurance manager
- An industrial promoter through very low-cost heat and cold production
- A tool to reduce immigration
- An energy recycling instrument, even for unusable energies
The 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future
It works as a provider of desalinated water, heat, and cold in this frame, which is a huge market. Now, Scientechnix has launched a project called « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future ». It complies with our Net Zero commitment, one of the most difficult tasks to achieve for the world. In these zones, we have no air pollution, no water pollution, and we have beneficial global carbon emissions. What are our links to international commitments and recommendations? First, they concern the UN human rights to food and water, climate preservation, recycling, and sustainability.
Moreover, Green Zones are a vital tool for the future, according to the recommendations of the 2023 « Net Zero Roadmap » report by the International Energy Agency, and the March 2024 World Bank report « Recipe for a Livable Planet ».
In conclusion, Green Zones are in line with all the recommendations from the World Bank, United Nations, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), and all the other environmental institutions working for the future.
Let us first give a definition of what a Green Zone is and what its specificity is with respect to other international projects.
What is a Green Zone?
A Green Zone is an area subsidized by international organizations only for its installation, in the frame of Net Zero 2030. It is in a region that needs to develop thanks to a water supply of 10,000 m3 per day, provided by sustainable and affordable desalination plants. The concept aims to transform water-stressed regions into areas of sustainable development, stimulating agriculture, local economy, and improving living conditions for communities. The creation of a Green Zone will be accompanied by a water distribution infrastructure, the choice of crops best suited to the region, sustainable heat and cold at a very low cost/GWh, etc.
I stress that our commitment to the 100 Green Zones is to conform to the Net Zero objective. That means no air pollution, no water pollution, and beneficial global carbon emissions.
What is the difference from existing international programs?
- It is a full Net Zero area.
- It is flexible because it can be implemented anywhere, next to the sea.
- It can be implemented in places where there is no water, or it can complement water shortages.
- It provides water, heat, and cold at a very low cost/GWh, easing the agricultural transformation industries. Green Zones become more sustainable, offer more development possibilities including green fuel production. They overcome the major drawbacks of agricultural transformation industries that are today the most polluting.
Why 100 Green Zones are a vital tool for the future
The 100 Green Zones are a vital tool for the future according to the recommendations of the 2023 « Net Zero Roadmap » report by the International Energy Agency and the World Bank’s « Recipe for a Livable Planet » report.
1- According to the International Energy Agency:
This report recommends, among others, the following:
- The Net Zero emissions transition must be secure and affordable.
- Nearly 5 Gt CO2 (billion tons of CO2) would have to be removed from the atmosphere every year during the second half of this century. If carbon removal technologies fail to deliver at such a scale, returning the temperature to 1.5 °C would not be possible. Removing carbon from the atmosphere is costly and uncertain.
- The sharpest jump in clean energy investment is needed in emerging markets and developing economies. Today’s investments are insufficient: « Increasing clean energy investment in developing countries is vital ». This will require stronger domestic policies together with enhanced and more effective international support.
Why will Green Zones be an effective tool to comply with these urgent recommendations to achieve the 2050 Net Zero goal?
- They will use clean energy.
- The water is affordable.
- They remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
- Cheap heat and cold will be produced for the associated transformation related to agriculture, including green fuel production.
- Moreover, the Green Zones will use a desalination technology producing zero air and water pollution.
- They require, as recommended by the report, « stronger domestic policies together with enhanced and more effective international support ».
2- According to the World Bank’s international report « Recipe for a Livable Planet »:
If the construction of the Green Zone is subsidized, the Green Zone, in contrast, subsidizes itself because it develops thanks to the water supply of 10,000 m3 at no cost, but with reasonable installation maintenance. The concept aims to transform water-stressed regions into areas of sustainable development, stimulating agriculture, facilitating the associated transformation industries, the local economy, and improving living conditions for communities.
You have to imagine a Green Zone as a sustainable living place where there is no pollution, where people can work, produce, eat, and drink, in a green place where agriculture is best suited for the region.
Scientechnix has done the main job, which is:
- The development of an affordable technology for desalination, even for agriculture.
- The only Net Zero technology in this field.
- Offering low-cost heat and cold, facilitating the associated transformation industries.
- Launching the « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future » project.
It is more than time for other entities to collaborate on the installation of these Green Zones. Here are some of the requirements.
Structuring the Green Zones
Eligibility requirements for a Green Zone, legal aspects, ownership, responsibility:
- Green Zones cannot be attributed to individuals. They must be given to a NGO or an institutional authority such as a municipality, for example.
- They must comply with the country’s regulations.
- It is an anti-drought tool, which is why:
- A Green Zone must be in an area that needs to develop.
- It must address fundamental human needs such as access to food and water.
Regulation for water distribution:
- Water cannot be allocated to a small number of farms.
- It must be governed by a NGO or an institutional authority.
- It will run the installation, pay the low-cost maintenance on behalf of the stakeholders…
Eligibility and water distribution have to be complemented by local requirements in particular.
Webinar’s Q&A
I propose to shift now to the questions.
Question 1: I would like to know exactly how you finance all this activity, the different parts of the creation of this Green Zone.
Answer 1: Thank you for your question. It’s a very important and interesting question. Today, there are huge funds of hundreds of billions of dollars devoted to Net Zero all over the world. Financing is not the issue for the Green Zones. The issue is to make a sustainable place that responds to the requirements of international institutions. Financing is available from many organizations for such projects. So this is, I would say, the least complicated problem. If we have a good project, it will be financed by a small amount of the available money compared to the hundreds of billions that are devoted to the Net Zero future. Moreover, Green Zones will drive economic development, not only locally but all over the world because of the developed technologies needed for these zones. So again, financing, I would say, is the least difficult problem.
Question 2: We have a question on the chat. What is the role of the public and private sectors in the establishment of the Green Zone?
Answer 2: We need a local entity to run this Green Zone project, as we said, a NGO or a local public authority. The government must help as the country largely benefits from this project. This can be done through tax exemptions, for example. The private sector is going to use this water. They will pay the low-cost maintenance of the installation through the authority that runs and distributes the water because once the system is built by international organizations, the water doesn’t cost anything, and the unit will be driven automatically through artificial intelligence automation systems. International organizations can help by providing guidance on how to make sustainable zones, such as what crops are best for the zone’s location.
Question 3: When a Green Zone has been accepted, approximately how long do you think it needs to be built?
Answer 3: From the moment the Green Zone is fully accepted, we normally need approximately one year to have the Green Zone running, because we will advance the different parts of the installation in parallel. We can add a few months in case some unexpected problems arise despite our rigorous planning. Let’s check if there is another question on the chat.
Question 4: Why Green Zones instead of more profitable industrial projects?
Answer 4: This is also a very good question. At Scientechnix, we have two commitments. We have one commitment to invest in non-profit logic. Of course, this concerns the Green Zones because they comply with the UN human rights for water and food and the Net Zero future. We also have, of course, in parallel, a commercial activity. We can provide heat and cold, for example, for air conditioning and central heating at a very low cost wherever fuel is used, and of course, desalination, all this in the Net Zero logic. We are also working on building industrial, profitable installations.
Question 5: Is there a business for private companies? How can they contribute? What is their interest?
Answer 5: To build Green Zones, of course, we will rely on partner companies. These partner companies will build parts of the installation and the equipment, and will install it. So these Green Zones are, of course, initiated by our techniques, but they will involve many companies, both local and international, to install these zones.
Question 6: I suppose that the Green Zones must be settled in quiet areas, not areas with war problems.
Answer 6: As a matter of fact, we are addressing people’s problems, not political problems. If somebody somewhere needs water and if it is safe to come and install a Green Zone in some place, we shall do it. Our commitment is to the people who need water and food. This is the main driving force for us. So, Green Zones can be settled where people need help, regardless of any other consideration, provided that we can bring economic viability to it.
Question 7: What are the constraints of establishing a Green Zone? Does it need to be located near the sea?
Answer 7: Normally, in Green Zones, we produce desalinated water. So if there is a location with underground salt water, even in the middle of the desert, we can develop a Green Zone. What we cannot do is to provide water from nothing. But if there is water, we can manage to create a Green Zone out of it, using the technical requirements. However, sea water is currently the main possibility.
Question 8: Can polluted water be used, and to what extent? This is the case with rivers that are generally polluted.
Answer 8: There are different types of water pollution. But MUDT is not devoted to depolluting. However, it can extract good water from any water. If this is the aim and if MUDT, even though most competitive in its field of application, proves to be the most economical option in this case, then yes, we can do it.
Question 9: When somebody sends an application for a Green Zone, does it take a long time to receive an answer?
Answer 9: The first issue, when making an application for a Green Zone, is to solve the local problem. That is to say, a person cannot make an application, but a NGO or a municipality can. Whenever a municipality makes an application, things can go relatively quickly. The answer can be very quick if they provide the necessary information, and if the government accepts the solution.
I think that we have seen the main aspects of this “100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future” Project. We have defined basic foundations and some needs in which Scientechnix is not specialist such as the legal aspect, or the regulations for water distribution.
I propose to end this Webinar if there are no more questions. I think, we have answered many interrogations and made many clarifications. Our Webinar of the 17th of June will give the complementary clarifications for all the stakeholders to facilitate the acquisition of a Green Zone.
Thank you for your attention.