Proposal for a "100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future" irrigated by a Net Zero, Affordable Desalinated Water and its Associated Industrial Low-Cost Energy

The Impact of Innovation and Sustainability on Water, Food, and Immigration

Professor Dr Alain Elayi, on behalf of Scientechnix, invites stakeholders including Institutional Organizations, policymakers, investors, NGO, entrepreneurs, and those who need a Green Zone to join us, in an event of the EUSED (Europpean Sustainable Energy Day), to discuss the international proposal for « 100 Green Zones for an Eco-Future ».


Online Webinar taking place on May 14, 2024, at 2 PM, CEST, (UTC+2)

An Event by Scientechnix for the EUSED (EU Sustainable Energy Day), 2024


  • Because the world strives to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050 and to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
  • Because it equally strives unsuccessfully since over 20 years to comply with UN resolutions to meet fundamental human needs such as the access to food and water.
  • Because it is estimated that, to feed a growing world population, agricultural production will have to increase 60% by 2050. This increase must be achieved despite climate and environmental challenges.
  • Because new projects must comply with a sustainable, net Zero, and affordable program.

We propose to launch a first project consisting of 100 Green Zones.The aim is to shed light on how integrating affordable non-polluting desalination technologies can help to achieve a Net Zero future, ensuring clean sustainable water sources for all, including Agriculture and Global Food Security, while, in parallel, clean energy production can achieve substantial cost reduction for the associated industrial technologies.

Three desalination possibilities will be proposed for these Green Zones of 10 000 cubic meters of desalinated water each. These installations would achieve climate goals, and social devlopment, and generate local and international industrial activities, while the cost is negligeable on the scale of the international budgets devoted to climate actions.

Provisional program -May 14, 2024 2 PM CET (GMT+1)

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Welcome by the Host
    • Brief introduction and Webinar objectives
  • Quick Overview of the Webinar Platform
    • Instructions on how to use interactive features (Q&A, polls, chat)
  • Introduction of Speakers and Program Overview

Keynote Presentation (15 minutes)

  • Presentation of the Vision and Mission of the 100 Green Zones Project
  • The importance of Net Zero and Sustainable Practices

Session 1: Understanding the Green Zones (15 minutes)

  • Presentation covering the definition, goals, and impacts of the Green Zones
  • Interactive Poll: « What is your main interest in Green Zones? »
  • Live Q&A Segment

Session 2: The Power of Affordable Desalinated Water (15 minutes)

  • Deep dive into desalination technologies, affordability, and environmental considerations
  • Short Video Presentation: « Desalination in Action »
  • Live Q&A Segment

5-Minute Break

Session 3: Recycling the Billions KWh of Lost Energy. A Must for the Future (15 minutes)

  • Exploration of energy solutions and their synergy with desalination
  • Case studies highlighting real-world applications
  • Live Q&A Segment (5 minutes)

Session 4: The economic Impact of Innovation and Sustainability on Energy, Water, Food, and Immigration (15 minutes)

  • Evaluation of the impact of the Green Zones on the local and global economy
  • Immigration slowdown and Green Zones location
  • Green Zones funding

Panel Discussion (10 minutes)

  • Combined Q&A session with all speakers
  • Addressing pre-submitted and live audience questions

Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

  • Recap of key points and takeaways
  • Information on next steps, how to get involved, and where to find more resources
  • Thanks to speakers and attendees

Prolongation of the session will be possible if required.

At Scientechnix, we believe that the path to Net Zero and to a sustainable future runs through the heading: “By saving the world we save ourselves.”

To attend or participate to the event, please register here :

Inscription to the Scientechnix EUSED (EU Sustainable Energy Day): 100 Green Zones